Fontfabric type foundry presents Multicolore Free Fonts – unique colored rounded free fonts! With Multicolore font you can easily create short texts for headlines, posters or whatever. Or simply stack few characters to create some random art! Inspired from Mohawk Paper logo. Multicolore technically it is not a font (as the current state of technology doesn’t allow it) and you cannot write with it in your favorite program – you will need a vector editing application like Adobe Illustrator to easily create short texts for headlines, posters or whatever. Or simply stack few characters to create some random art! Available in .otf font format (black & white ver.) / .eps and .ai vector formats (colored ver.)
Designed by Ivan Filipov, Bulgaria | Portfolio link

To open this file you need at Adobe Illustrator CS6 or better. To easily change the color of any of the color segments : from Window Menu choose Swatches. Then in the Swatches palette change the color of the main color swatches by double-clicking the desired swatch. Open the Layers Pallette and make Dotted and Inline layers visible for additional effects .OTF file also available!
Download Multicolore free font
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